Elizabeth Hunter

About Me

My name is Elizabeth, and just a few years ago I was where you are now. I loved sex, but felt completely at the mercy of the ‘skill-level’ of my partners. As an excited young feminist I loved the idea of being selfish in the bedroom, of asking for what you want and demanding nothing less than that. But whenever a partner asked me… I realised I had no idea what I truly wanted, what truly made me tick. 

I was disconnected from my body, my felt sense, and I had no idea just how much more pleasure was available to me. 

After a break-up and period of voluntary celibacy I was ready to throw in the towel. 

Self-pleasure just wasn’t the same, and I wasn’t satisfied. But I didn’t give up, and started my journey towards getting to know my body, increasing my sensitivity and becoming my own best lover. I’ve invested in my own pleasure with time, attention and an ever increasing resume of courses – my days of unsatisfying (solo) sex are a thing of the past…

It is my mission to help you find your voice and reclaim your pleasure, so you can step out of the bedroom, into the world fully connected to your inner divinity. 

I believe that pleasure is our natural state, and it’s our conditioning, limiting beliefs, patriarchal norms and daily stressors that fog up this juicy, pleasure filled core of ours. 

By rebuilding a relationship of trust with our bodies, releasing shame around our desires and living in a state of pleasure daily, we connect to our true selves. Working on your sexuality causes a ripple effect to all other areas of our lives. We heal ourselves, and the world around us too. 

Are you ready? I know I am…