Psssst: are you reading through this and thinking 'But Liz, what if I don't have a pussy?' or 'I'd rather connect to my Inner God!'. 
I work with people of ALL genders! So, interested in working with me? -->


Reconnect to your body, fall in love with your pussy, and embody your Inner Sexual Goddess

Venture into Venus is a three month, one-on-one coaching program where you will be reunited with your Inner Goddess. Your Inner Goddess is the part of you that knows that pleasure is your birthright. She carries herself with confidence, because she knows she is whole. She has mind-blowing sex, following her own personal roadmap to bliss (with or without a partner, with or without an orgasm). Venturing into Venus means finding your voice and reclaiming your pleasure. It means coming home into your body and finding limitless love.

In Venture into Venus, you:

Meet yourself with more self-love than ever before

You are reintroduced to the breathtaking beauty of your body, pussy and intuition, and reconnect to your innate desires and wishes.

Meet your Inner Goddess

You feel rooted in your connection to your inner Goddess and sexual thriving. You meet your own needs and connect to others from a place of want instead of a place of need. You tap into your primal sexual nature and experience the liberation, confidence and empowerment that has always been yours.

Dive deep into your highest sexuality

Through mapping out your sexual landscape, you learn what makes you tick. You know the context in which you matured sexually, and how that impacts your sexuality. Your intuition guides you into YOUR ideal sexual context, and shows how you can access cascades of bliss on a daily basis.


  • Two juicy, deep diving one-on-one Zoom calls a month (a total of 6), where I hold space for you and your Inner Goddess to reveal herself
  • Weekly pleasure practices aimed at growing your self-love, increasing the sensitivity of your felt sense, and accessing your primal sexual self
  • Weekly journal prompts to tap even further into your own innate wisdom
  • Access to me for support between calls

This journey is for you if:

If you so badly want to make your sex life work for you in a world full of SHOULDS.

A world where you are expected to orgasm at the drop of a hat, for someone else’s enjoyment. A world where your needs are so often disregarded in favour of everyone else’s. A world where women that own their pleasure are feared. This journey is for you if your intuition, your guides, your pussy, have been whispering to you that there is so much more.. That living a life led by pleasure is how you heal, and that you stepping into your power is infinitely healing for everyone around you.

This programme was quite literally born out of my pleasure, in the aftermath of an orgasmic sexual trauma healing practice. My Inner Goddess and I can’t wait to guide you back towards bliss, wholeness and love!

This completely bespoke, one-on-one deep dive is tailor-made to your situation. So, whether you are partnered or single, have an active sex life or not at all, whether you are confident in your orgasmic ability or don’t experience orgasm in the way that the media would have you believe you should – this journey will follow your personal path. I will help find your way back to your inner Goddess, so you can step out of the bedroom and into the world, connected to your full power.

Are you ready to Venture into Venus? Click below to fill in my pre-enrolment questionnaire and book your free desire mapping session. Here we'll dive deeply into what it is you truly desire, and what's blocking you from achieving these desires. You'll leave the call with clear action steps towards your goal, and have the opportunity to ask me more about working with me!

Psssst: are you reading through this and thinking 'But Liz, what if I don't have a pussy?' or 'I'd rather connect to my Inner God!'. 
I work with people of ALL genders! So, interested in working with me? -->